Source code for splango.models

import logging
import random

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class Goal(models.Model): """An experiment goal, that is what we are waiting to happen.""" name = models.CharField(max_length=_NAME_LENGTH, primary_key=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) def __unicode__(self): return
[docs] def get_records_total(self, experiment): """Get the goal records total for an experiment, including all its variants """ inner_qs = Enrollment.objects.filter( variant__in=experiment.get_variants()).values('subject') return GoalRecord.objects.filter( goal=self, subject__in=inner_qs).count()
[docs] def get_records_count_per_variant(self, experiment): """Get the goal records count and the respective percentage per variant. >> goal.get_records_count_per_variant(experiment) {8: (1, 25.0), 1: (2, 50.0), 2: (0, 0.0), 6: (1, 25.0), 9: (0, 0.0)} :param experiment: :type experiment: :class:`Experiment` :return: count of :class:`GoalRecord` objects and percentage for each variant of ``experiment`` :rtype: dict """ total = self.get_records_total(experiment) if total == 0: return total # get the goal records per variant gr_per_variant = {} # for each variant, associates the count and the percentage for v in experiment.get_variants(): gr_count_variant = v.get_goal_records(self).count() if total > 0: gr_percentage = (gr_count_variant * 100.0) / total else: gr_percentage = 0 gr_per_variant[] = (gr_count_variant, gr_percentage) return gr_per_variant
[docs]class Subject(models.Model): """An experimental subject, possibly also a registered user (at creation or later on.""" created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True) registered_as = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, editable=False, unique=True) goals = models.ManyToManyField(Goal, through='GoalRecord') def __unicode__(self): if self.registered_as: prefix = "registered" else: prefix = "anonymous" return u"%s subject #%d" % (prefix,
[docs] def merge_into(self, other_subject): """Move the enrollments and goal records associated with this subject into ``other_subject``, preserving ``other_subject``'s enrollments in case of conflict. """ other_goals = dict(((, 1) for g in other_subject.goals.all())) for goal_record in self.goalrecord_set.all().select_related("goal"): if not in other_goals: goal_record.subject = other_subject else: goal_record.delete() other_exps = dict(((e.experiment_id, 1) for e in other_subject.enrollment_set.all())) for e in self.enrollment_set.all(): if e.experiment_id not in other_exps: e.subject = other_subject else: e.delete() self.delete()
[docs] def is_registered_user(self): """Is this subject associated to a registered user? :return: True if subject is a registered user i.e. associated to a :class:`django.contrib.auth.models.User` :rtype: bool """ return self.registered_as is not None
is_registered_user.boolean = True
[docs] def get_variants(self): """Return all the variants shown to this subject. The relationship is established through :class:`Enrollment`, which has foreign keys to both :class:`Variant` and :class:`Subject`. .. seealso:: See analogous method :meth:`Variant.get_subjects`. :return: the variants :rtype: queryset of :class:`Variant` """ return Enrollment.objects.filter(subject=self).values('variant')
[docs]class GoalRecord(models.Model): """Associate the goal reached by a subject with that subject.""" goal = models.ForeignKey(Goal) subject = models.ForeignKey(Subject) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True) req_HTTP_REFERER = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) req_REMOTE_ADDR = models.IPAddressField(blank=True) req_path = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) extra = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) class Meta: unique_together = (('subject', 'goal'),) # never record the same goal twice for a given subject @staticmethod
[docs] def extract_request_info(request): return dict( req_HTTP_REFERER=request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", "")[:255], req_REMOTE_ADDR=request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"], req_path=request.path[:255])
[docs] def record(cls, subject, goal_name, request_info, extra=None): logger.warn("goal_record %r" % [subject, goal_name, request_info, extra]) goal, created = Goal.objects.get_or_create(name=goal_name) goal_record, created = cls.objects.get_or_create( subject=subject, goal=goal, defaults=request_info) if not created and not goal_record.extra and extra: # add my extra info to the existing goal record goal_record.extra = extra return goal_record
[docs] def record_user_goal(cls, user, goal_name): subject, created = Subject.objects.get_or_create(registered_as=user) cls.record(subject, goal_name, {})
def __unicode__(self): return u"%s by subject #%d" % (self.goal, self.subject_id)
[docs]class Enrollment(models.Model): """Identifies which variant a subject is assigned to in a given experiment.""" subject = models.ForeignKey('splango.Subject', editable=False) # TODO: remove experiment because it is already present in variant # Note: For now, we will keep experiment as a field in Enrollment, even # knowing that it produces an denormalized database structure. # Experiment present as a field is required to get a unique subject in only # one experiment, as declared at line 205 experiment = models.ForeignKey('splango.Experiment', editable=False) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True) variant = models.ForeignKey('splango.Variant') class Meta: unique_together = (('subject', 'experiment'),) def __unicode__(self): return (u"experiment '%s' subject #%d -- variant %s" % (, self.subject_id, self.variant))
[docs]class Experiment(models.Model): """A named experiment. An experiment has a lot of variants, and a variant belongs to only one experiment. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=_NAME_LENGTH, primary_key=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True) # moved to variant, variant has the experiment # subjects = models.ManyToManyField(Subject, through=Enrollment) def __unicode__(self): return # def set_variants(self, variant_list): # self.variants = "\n".join(variant_list)
[docs] def get_variants(self): return self.variants.all()
[docs] def get_random_variant(self): """Return one of the object's variants chosen in a random way. .. warning:: There is a reason why a :class:`random.Random` generator is created in every call: using :func:`random.choice` used use the same generator every time because of it is not really a function but a method of a hidden instance of :class:`random.Random`, defined in :mod:`random`. Debugging we could see that the instance's internal state was always the same, thus the output will not be random! Also, :meth:`random.Random.jumpahead` seemed to be the solution but it is not recommended and was removed in Python 3. :return: variant :rtype: basestring """ generator = random.Random() return generator.choice(self.get_variants())
[docs] def variants_commasep(self): variants = self.get_variants() variants_names = [ for v in variants] return ','.join(variants_names)
[docs] def get_or_create_enrollment(self, subject, variant=None): """Get or create an :class:`Enrollment` object for ``subject``. Only if the object is to be created will ``variant`` be used. If ``variant`` is None, a random variant will be assigned. :param subject: the subject of the enrollment :type subject: :class:`Subject` :param variant: when creating the object, it is the variant to use; if None, a random variant will be used created, this will be the value for :attr:`Enrollment.variant` :type variant: str or None :return: the enrollment for ``subject`` :rtype: :class:`Enrollment` """ if variant is None: variant = self.get_random_variant() enrollment, created = Enrollment.objects.get_or_create( subject=subject, experiment=self, defaults={"variant": variant} ) return enrollment
[docs] def declare(cls, name, variants_names): """create or update an experiment and its variants (variant names given). """ obj, created = cls.objects.get_or_create(name=name) for v in variants_names: Variant.objects.get_or_create(name=v, experiment=obj) return obj
[docs]class ExperimentReport(models.Model): """A report on the results of an experiment.""" experiment = models.ForeignKey(Experiment) title = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) funnel = models.TextField( help_text="List the goals, in order and one per line, that " "constitute this report's funnel.") def __unicode__(self): return u"%s - %s" % (self.title,
[docs] def get_funnel_goals(self): return [x.strip() for x in self.funnel.split("\n") if x]
[docs] def generate(self): """Generate the report for experiment. Generate the report of a experiment goals and variants. Associate each variant with a goal, and associate the variant count too. :returns: A dict with goals, variants and variants counts associated to each goal """ result = [] exp = self.experiment variants = self.experiment.get_variants() goals = self.get_funnel_goals() # count initial participation variant_counts = [] for v in variants: # variant_counts.append(exp.subjectvariant_set.filter(variant=v).\ # aggregate(ct=Count("variant")).get("ct",0)) val = Enrollment.objects.filter(experiment=exp, variant=v).count() variant_counts.append(dict( val=val, variant_name=v, pct=None, pct_cumulative=1, pct_cumulative_round=100)) result.append({"goal": None, "variant_names": variants, "variant_counts": variant_counts}) for previ, goal in enumerate(goals): try: goal = Goal.objects.get(name=goal) except Goal.DoesNotExist: logger.warn("No such goal <<%s>>." % goal) goal = None variant_counts = [] for vi, v in enumerate(variants): if goal: vcount = Enrollment.objects.filter( experiment=exp, variant=v, subject__goals=goal).count() prev_count = result[previ]["variant_counts"][vi]["val"] if prev_count == 0: pct = 0 else: pct = float(vcount) / float(prev_count) else: vcount = 0 pct = 0 pct_cumulative = \ pct * result[previ]["variant_counts"][vi]["pct_cumulative"] variant_counts.append(dict( val=vcount, variant_name=variants[vi], pct=pct, pct_round=("%0.2f" % (100 * pct)), pct_cumulative=pct_cumulative, pct_cumulative_round=("%0.2f" % (100 * pct_cumulative)), )) result.append({"goal": goal, "variant_counts": variant_counts}) return result
[docs]class Variant(models.Model): """An Experiment Variant, with optional weight (The weight is not considered at the moment) """ experiment = models.ForeignKey('splango.Experiment', related_name="variants") name = models.CharField(max_length=_NAME_LENGTH, blank=True) # weight = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True, # help_text="The priority of the variant") def __unicode__(self): # TODO: check that variant calls are correct # Due to the `Variant` change from string to class, almost every # part of this project is working with `variant` as a string. # In order to continue working like that, ``__unicode__`` is returning # ```` now. return
[docs] def get_subjects(self): """Return all the subjects to whom this variant was shown. The relationship is established through :class:`Enrollment`, which has foreign keys to both :class:`Variant` and :class:`Subject`. .. seealso:: See analogous method :meth:`Subject.get_variants`. :return: the subjects :rtype: queryset of :class:`Subject` """ return Enrollment.objects.filter(variant=self).values('subject')
[docs] def get_goal_records(self, goal): """Return all the records of ``goal`` for this variant. :param goal: :type goal: :class:`Goal` :return: the goal records :rtype: queryset of :class:`GoalRecord` """ subjects = self.get_subjects() return GoalRecord.objects.filter(goal=goal, subject__in=subjects)